OpenGL ====== glGetString.............- Returns a string describing the current OpenGL connection. glViewport..............- Set the current viewports size and possition. glMatrixMode............- Sets the current matrix mode. (Specifies which matrix stack is the target for subsequent matrix operations.) glLoadIdentity..........- Replaces the current matrix with the identity(original state) matrix. gluPerspective..........- Set up a perspective projection matrix (window prespective parameters). (call glLoadIdentity after gluPerspective to load the perspective matrix onto the current matrix stack) glOrtho.................- Describes a perspective matrix that produces a parallel projection (no z axis). glShadeModel............- Specifies a shading technique. glClearColor............- Specify clear values for the color buffers. glClearDepth............- Specify the clear value for the depth buffer. glClear.................- Clear buffers within the viewport. (Depends on the setting of the clear value for that buffer.) glEnable................- Enable GL capabilities. glDisable...............- Disable GL capabilities. glDepthFunc.............- Specifies the function used to compare each incoming pixel z value with the z value present in the depth buffer. glHint..................- Specify implementation-specific hints. SwapBuffers.............- Exchanges the front and back buffers if the current pixel format for the window referenced by the specified device context includes a back buffer. (With multithread applications, flush the drawing commands in any other threads drawing to the same window before calling SwapBuffers.) glAddSwapHintRectWIN....- Specifies a set of rectangles that are to be copied by SwapBuffers. If PFD_SWAP_COPY flag, of the PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR structure, is set then SwapBuffers uses region, defined by glAddSwapHintRectWIN, to clip the copying of the back buffer to the front buffer. glTranslatef/d..........- Multiply the current matrix by a translation matrix replacing the current matrix. (movement) glRotatef/d.............- Multiply the current matrix by a rotation matrix. glScalef/d..............- Multiply the current matrix by a general scaling matrix (for GL_MODELVIEW or GL_PROJECTION matrix). glPushMatrix............- Pushes the current matrix stack down by one, duplicating the current matrix. glPopMatrix glPushAttrib............- Pushes the attribute stack. Stack depth is at leats 16. glGet(GL_MAX_ATTRIB_STACK_DEPTH) glPopAttrib glBegin.................- Delimit the vertices of a primitive or a group of like primitives. glEnd glTexCoord4s............- Set the current texture coordinates. glVertex4s..............- Specify a vertex. glColor4us..............- Set the current color. glRasterPos4s...........- Specify the raster position for pixel operations. glTexGenf/d/i...........- Control the generation of texture coordinates. (check documentation for details - plenty of them) glTexGenfv/dv/iv glGenTextures...........- Generates texture names. glBindTexture...........- Creats a named texture that is bound to a texture target. (previous binding for that target is no longer in effect). glDeleteTextures........- Deletes named textures. glIsTexture.............- Determines if a name corresponds to a texture. auxDIBImageLoad.........- Loads the bitmap file and returns a pointer to the AUX_RGBImageRec structure. glTexImage2D............- Specifies a two-dimensional texture image. glPixelTransferf........- Set pixel transfer modes. (read doc) glTexParameterf/i.......- Set texture parameters. glTexParameterfv/iv gluBuild2DMipmaps.......- Creates 2-D mipmaps. glLightf/i..............- Set light-source parameters. glLightfv/iv glBlendFunc.............- Specifies pixel arithmetic. glPolygonMode...........- Selects a polygon rasterization mode. glListBase..............- Sets the display list base for glCallLists. glGenLists..............- Generates a contiguous set of empty display lists. glDeleteLists...........- Deletes a contiguous group of display lists. glNewList...............- Create or replace a display list. glEndList...............- All subsequent commands are placed in the display list until glEndList is called. glCallList..............- Executes a display list. It can appear inside a display list. glCallLists.............- Executes a list of display lists. glCullFace..............- Specifies whether front- or back-facing facets can be culled. glFogf/i/fv/iv..........- Specify fog parameters. gluNewQuadric...........- Creates a quadric object. gluDeleteQuadric........- Destroys a quadric object. gluQuadricNormals.......- Specifies what kind of normals are to be used for quadrics. gluQuadricTexture.......- Specifies whether quadrics are to be textured (texture coordinates generation) gluQuadricOrientation...- Specifies inside or outside orientation for quadrics. gluQuadricDrawStyle.....- Specifies the draw style desired for quadrics. gluSphere...............- Draws a sphere. gluCylinder.............- Draws a cylinder. gluDisk.................- Draws a disk. gluPartialDisk..........- Draws an arc of a disk. gluQuadricCallback......- Defines a callback for a quadric object. gluErrorString..........- Produces an error string from an OpenGL or GLU error code. DirectX ------- Windows GDI ----------- WinMain.................- Called by the system as the initial entry point for a Windows-based application. CreateMutex.............- Creates or opens a named or unnamed mutex object. PeekMessage TranslateMessage........- Translates virtual-key messages into character messages. The character messages are posted to the calling thread's message queue. DispatchMessage.........- Dispatches a message to a window procedure. GetLastError............- Retrieves the calling thread's last-error code value. SetLastError............- Sets the last-error code for the calling thread. FlashWindow.............- Flashes the specified window one time. FlashWindowEx...........- Flashes the specified window. (flash parameters are set by the PFLASHWINFO structure) RegisterClassEx.........- Registers a window class for subsequent use. UnregisterClass.........- Unregisters a window class. ChangeDisplaySettings...- Changes the settings of the default display device to the specified graphics mode. EnumDisplaySettings.....- Retrieves information about one of the graphics modes for a display device. EnumDisplayDevices......- Obtains information about the display devices. EnumFontFamilies........- Enumerates the fonts in a specified font family that are available on a specified device. AdjustWindowRectEx......- Calculates the required size of the window rectangle, based on the size of the client rectangle CreateWindowEx..........- Creates a window with an extended window style DestroyWindow...........- Destroys the specified window (and all window hierarchy). GetDC...................- Retrieves a handle to a display DC for the client area of a specified window ReleaseDC...............- Releases a device context (DC), freeing it for use by other applications. ChoosePixelFormat.......- Attempts to match an appropriate pixel format supported by a device context. Call it after you set the PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR structure manualy. SetPixelFormat..........- Sets the pixel format. ShowWindow..............- Sets the specified window's show state. SetFocus................- Sets the keyboard focus to the specified window. UpdateWindow............- Updates the client area of the specified window by sending a WM_PAINT message to the window. SetForegroundWindow.....- Puts the thread that created the specified window into the foreground and activates the window. LockSetForegroundWindow.- Disables calls to the SetForegroundWindow function (disables ALT+TAB and user clicks on the window) DefWindowProc...........- Default processing for any window messages that an application does not process. It is called with the same parameters received by the window procedure. ShowCursor..............- Displays or hides the cursor. GetCursorPos............- Retrieves the cursor's position, in screen coordinates. CreateFont..............- Creates a logical font with the specified characteristics. SelectObject............- Selects an object into the specified device context. DeleteObject............- Sends notification that an object is about to be deleted from a rich edit control. QueryPerformanceFrequency- QueryPerformanceCounter.- timeGetTime.............- timeBeginPeriod.........- timeEndPeriod...........- PlaySound...............- Plays a sound. wglCreateContext........- Creates a new OpenGL rendering context. wglMakeCurrent..........- Makes a specified OpenGL rendering context the calling thread's current rendering context. wglDeleteContext........- Deletes a specified OpenGL RC. wglUseFontBitmaps.......- Creates a set of bitmap display lists for use in the current OpenGL rendering context. wglUseFontOutlines......- Creates a set of display lists, one for each glyph of the currently selected outline font of a device context. The display lists are used to draw 3-D characters of TrueType fonts (only). wglGetProcAddress.......- Returns the address of an OpenGL extension function for use with the current OpenGL RC.