Compiler ======== COM "Error performing registration" ----------------------------------- Fires when an essential library (dll) is missing from the directory where the new code is being generated. Compiling managed mode ---------------------- General ------- Debug Information Format = Program Database (/Zi) Code Generation --------------- Enable Minimal Rebuild = no Basic Runtime Checks = Default Runtime Library = Multi-threaded debug (/MTd) Command Line = /clr Compiling static libraries -------------------------- Compile - General ----------------- Additional Include Directories Linker - General ---------------- Additional Library Directories Linker - Input -------------- Additional Dependencies = specify the specific .lib files Linker ====== DLLs and LIBs ------------- lib file will not be generated in a dll project unless you export the symbols using either the .def file or the __declspec(dllexport) declaration. Entry Points ------------ Executable Type | Entry Point | Entry Point Name __________________|_______________|__________________ Console | main() | _mainCRTStartup Windows | WinMain() | _WinMainCRTStartup DLL | DllMain() | _DllMainCRTStartup@12